Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days of Revising Home

This page will be the landing page for my 31 Days series.  Each day I will add the link as each post goes live.  I hope you'll check back and come with me on this 31 day journey!

Day 1: Scroll down to read day 1.
Day 6: Game On!
Day 12: Saying No
Day 15: Fall Mantle 
Day 17: Fall Decor
Day 20: Fall Round-up
Day 24:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 31: Last Day!

Day 1
As I have mentioned in a couple previous posts, this month I will be joining the 31 Day Challenge hosted by Nesting Place.   It is an online writing challenge where you write about a topic everyday in October.   Click here to see the categories and all the other wonderful 31 Days topics. 

In preparation for this series, I thought about what exactly it was that I wanted to write about.  What could I possibly have to say about something for 31 days?  It didn't take me long to come to a decision.  The topic is something that I think about a lot.  Revising Home

We have been in our home for about a year and a half now, and I have noticed since we have gotten into the swing of things here, that everything may not be laid out in the most efficient way.  Maybe some of our rooms aren't being used to their full potential.  Maybe some of the habits in our home need to be revised.  

I thought about all the ways that I could better the lives of those in my little family God has so graciously blessed me with; not just in the concrete things like an organized kitchen where little hands can reach a cup, but also the things that make us "us."  The things that are of greater importance, the things that are of more than temporal value.  How easy it is to get caught up in the busyness of life and miss those opportunities to make a difference in the lives of our children, our husbands, our friends and family.  Or maybe to a perfect stranger.  

As I take this journey, I hope you will come along with me as I share ways I am Revising Home.  Anywhere from reorganizing a closet or cabinet to implementing something special for my children.  Come along with me as I ask, 

"What's not working here?"  
"How can this be more efficient?"
"What value does this have in the grand scheme of things?"
"How is my family benefiting from this?"

I am going to ask myself hard questions.  And I want to talk to you about it!  I want to hear how you are revising home as well.  


  1. Brilliant Idea! I know others will find their way here, and I'm going to bookmark this site to remember and check back in. Have a great October. :)

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate you stopping by!

  2. Love it! I am working my way through my own home this month, creating a lovely and efficient space. Look forward to reading about your journey!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to read your 31 Days series!
