Wednesday, October 02, 2013

31 Days of Revising Home: Day 2

Kitchen: What's Not Working
Click here for the landing page for the 31 Days series and check out all of the other posts as they go live this month. 

Oh my dear, I am about to give you guys a look behind closed doors. Closed kitchen cabinet doors. 

 I will be the first to tell you that our home is loved on and definitely lived in.  And if you pop in unannounced, which I will not mind in the slightest because I love company, you will more than likely find less than immaculate floors, dishes in the sink, and possibly laundry in the living room.  

I am still trying to find the right balance between house work, volunteering at my girls' school, church, being president of a civic club, home projects, and this blog.

This month, as I am Revising Home, I am trying to make things a little easier on myself, and a little more pleasing to the eye.  And today I am starting in the kitchen.

Under the kitchen sink:  Cluttered, items not easily reached, and nothing special about it at all. 
The Plan:  Organize cabinet, declutter, and add pretty contact paper to make for easy cleaning.

Glass and Dish Cabinet:  This cabinet so deep, it is hard to reach the back.  The glasses look a little cluttered and yes, those are jars of jelly sitting above them. 
The Plan: Relocate plates, bowls, and glasses to the open shelving in my butler's pantry for easier access.  

Kiddie Cabinet:  Cluttered, most of the items are too high for my girls to reach easily.
The Plan: Relocate kiddie cups and plates to a lower pull out drawer with organization so they will easily be able to help themselves and also put them away.

Snack Drawers:  Okay, so you can see my attempt at being organized using the basket and glass containers, but as you can see, things can get tossed any which way back into these drawers.  
The Plan: Organize with a defined space for each item. I think the reason things get thrown back in anywhere is because there isn't a definite place it goes.  Labels, labels, labels are coming! Mwah hah hah hah! (maniacle laugh)

Condiment, Can, and Baking Drawers:  Here again, you can see my attempt at organization in the condiment drawer using dollar store containers.  The can drawer isn't that messy, but when I open it and look down, all I can see is the top of the can, and not what it is.  The baking drawer, well, it's just a hot mess!
The Plan:  Move cans to a location where I can see what they are.  Move baking items to another location along with other baking items like cupcake liners, food coloring, and other various items used in baking frequently.  

Alrighty, I think I have a good plan for getting my kitchen into tip top shape!  But what about you?  Are there things in your kitchen you need to revise?  Reorganize?  Rethink?  I'd love to hear all about it!

Don't forget to check out all of the other 31 Days series over at The Nester.

I'd love to stay connected with you!  Become a subscriber to Cultivate Create, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, or leave a blog comment!


  1. Amanda, I came up with a solution to the problem of only seeing the tops of cans. I keep a sharpie in a drawer next to the cabinet and as I put the cans up I write on top of them what each one is. My hubby makes fun of me but it works great!!

    1. That's a great idea! I never would have thought of that. I will definitely keep that in mind!

  2. I think I reorganize my kitchen just about every 6 months... which sounds insane, but we go through phases of using the skillet all the time, then the rice cooker, now the crockpot- so I rearrange the cabinets to make whatever seems like the new kick the easiest thing to reach.

    I use a tension rod in my under the sink cabinet to get double the storage for spray bottles- half hang from the tension rod, half sit on the floor of the cabinet.

    1. Love the tension rod idea! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sweetheart, you're kitchen is already more organized than mine in your BEFORE photos! True to form, though, you are giving me reason to be inspired to do better with my space. So glad to be participating in 31-Days with you! So FUN to blog-hop and say, "Hi!," too.

    1. EEEK! Should be "your kitchen" --> No, really, do not.

    2. Haha! It happens to the best of us. Thanks for stopping by!
