Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Revising Home Recap

Day 31: These past 31 days have really pushed me to evaluate my home, my role as wife and mom, and myself.  Revising home has been a welcome challenge and I have enjoyed it so much!  Let's take a look at the highlights from this series. If you missed any of these, just click below each photo and the link will take you to that post. To see all of the 31 Days of Revising Home posts, you can go here

Revising Home: Organization

Revising Home: Seasonal Decor


Revising Home: Decor

I also started working on switching the girls' bedrooms

 Revising Home decor: shopping and getting inspired by other homes

Revising Home: Family

Revising Home: Myself
The post I spilled my guts about my weight loss struggle

And I can't do the recap without mentioning my random Wayne's Worlds shout out!

Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me! I have had a blast. Now I will go back to my normal four or five posts a week and I have some exciting things in store for Thanksgiving and the holidays including a special guest post that you will love.  Be sure to check back.  Don't miss out!  Join this site and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!  I would love to connect with you. 

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