Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 11: Enjoying My Children

I'm a day late in posting this, but better late than never, right? Yesterday was one of those chaotic-so-much-going-on-I-can't-think-straight kind of days.  And although I had this post mostly ready to go, I just didn't find time to get it posted.  

As I mentioned last Friday, I am dubbing every Friday during my 31 Days of Revising Home Series as Family Friday

I talked, last Friday, about being intentional about building a relationship with my girls and truly taking the time to enjoy them.  Being more mindful of that this week, I have tried to do just that!   

Our dinner guest Tuesday night was Emily, K's favorite doll.  K even "fed" her. It was precious. 

This is the reason for the bedroom switcharoo that we are working on.  This is what happens. Every. Single. Night.

I have a bad habit of wanting to do things myself and when I hear, "Mama, I wanna help," I say no.  It's just easier to do it myself, but I realized that I need to take more time letting them help me so I can teach them and build memories with them. So, I decided to do a little flower project with the girls and they were less than enthused.  This picture cracks me up because you can see how "excited" they were.  Usually, they are all about helping Mama plant flowers, but this day, they were more concerned with Peppa Pig than pansies. 

But, once we got started, they warmed up to the idea.  

A even helped me water everything when we got done and she was so proud of herself!  

What are ways you are intentional about building relationships and making memories with your children?

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