Saturday, October 12, 2013

31 Days of Revising Home: Day 12

Saying No

Saying "no" is a very hard thing for me to do. Sometimes that is a detriment to my family because I spread myself so thin.  I get stressed and get cranky or we just don't have any family time because of being so busy.  

It's hard to say no to good things.  The problem is, there are always lots of good things going on.  I'm talking about birthday parties and outings with friends and all the various activities that come up throughout the year.  Or maybe its another responsibility at church or where you volunteer.

It is hard for me to say no to good things. In revising home this month, I knew I had to address this.  I knew I needed to take a look at myself.

When you say "yes" to too many good things at the expense of losing your family time,which is very hard to come by in the first place, or your home responsibilities, then its time to do something different.  

I'm not saying that I'm going to say "no" to everything. Not at all. But I need to do better about prioritizing.  I need to do better about making my husband and children, my home my priority.  It's not good for any of us when we are flitting from one thing to the next, are stressed out, and barely get to connect with each other. 

I am going to practice saying "no." In doing so, maybe I'm saying "yes" to my family. 

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