Wednesday, September 03, 2014

What You Wish Wednesday No. 16

It's Wednesday!  I am super duper excited for my very first week of co-hosting What You Wish Wednesday! (or WYWW)  If you haven't already, you have to go check out all of the other hostesses' blogs! Each one is unique and absolutely amazing!  (Links at the bottom of post or you can click on their blog buttons in my sidebar.)  Next week, in addition to all of the awesome posts that are linked, I will be featuring my faves!  

Also, we have Pinterest Board where you can follow along and see all of the features from each blogger all in one place.  Be sure to follow the board so you won't miss out!

So, without further ado, let What You Wish Wednesday commence!

WYWW Details:

  • Share a recent post from your blog. 
  • Include the WYWW button (code below) and/or a visible link-back to this post.  
  • Check out a few of the shared links.
  • By submitting a link, you are giving me authorization to feature your post.  If your post is featured, I will include a picture and a link to your site to share the love!
  • Follow along: 

WYWW Button:
 photo f41ef4a7-0e15-4bf9-b9bc-de6756f1faa5_zpsca018813.png

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