Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Fall Hydrangea Wreath Tutorial

A couple of Sundays ago, a sweet lady in my hometown allowed me free reign with her Limelight hydrangeas. She had tons of blooms and was willing to share. I cut blooms until my heart's content and then brought them home to start the drying process. (You can see how to dry hydrangeas in this post.) This is a first for me this year. I've never really used hydrangeas in fall decorating, but wanted to try it out. The colors of the dried blooms are absolutely gorgeous!

Just a couple of quick things about drying hydrangeas, now that I'm done with that process. 
*Fresh blooms will not dry well. They shrivel up and look terrible. Be sure to pick blooms that are already a little "papery" for best results.
*Make sure to cut the stems long. Better to err on the side of too long than too short. This makes it so much easier for later projects. 
*It's as easy as pie.  Seriously, there was nothing to it. Why haven't I tried this before?

Okay, now on to the fun part....making a beautiful fall hydrangea wreath. This was so easy and no wiring was necessary!

Start with a grapevine wreath. Size depends on what you want but I got a really large one. I have to have a large wreath for my front door or it won't be seen.  Tuck the largest of the blooms around the wreath. I didn't need anything else to secure the blooms. They stayed put just tucking them in. 

Fill in with smaller blooms. After the largest blooms are secure use your smaller ones as filler. Make sure to fully cover the wreath on the outside and inside. 

Hang at eye level to see if there is any adjusting to be done. I always try to do this when making a wreath. It is hard to see well with it flat on a table. When I hang it up, I can always see where I need to fill in. 

Then you are done! Hang your beautiful wreath! I had originally planned on adding some other things to the wreath, but once I got it done I saw that it didn't need anything else.  

I love all of the variations in color. I see fall reds, browns, and oranges with just a little hint of green.  Just like the fading greens of summer melding into the golden hues of fall.

I absolutely love fall! It is one of my favorite times of year!  I am so excited to officially have my first fall project done!  

A couple more things.  Don't forget to check out What You Wish Wednesday Link Party!  It is my fist week as a co-hostess. Go check all of the amazing posts linked up (or if you have a blog, link up your posts!) You can see it here
Linking up to:
What You Wish Wednesday

Also, today is the last day to enter the One Year Blogiversary Giveaway!  Go enter here!

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