Thursday, January 01, 2015

2015 Non-Resolutions

Oh, hello 2015. Glad you could drop by. I'm happy to know that you'll be around for a while. So, I might as well tell you that this year, I'm not making any particular resolutions. While you're here, I'm not going to box myself in with particulars. Instead, I am thinking in directions. These are the things I want to move toward, the direction in which I want to go. So, 2015, here's to a great year!

My NON-Resolutions:
I just want to make memories. I want to travel more, to taste something I've never tasted, to experience something I've never done. I want to walk down streets that I've never seen before and take it all in, moment by moment. 

I want to read a good book. Not just any good book, though. I want to read a book that changes me, that shifts how I see the world. 

I want to get healthy. I want to conquer my demons. I want to be proud of myself for taking care of myself, for pushing myself to new limits, for persevering beyond what I thought I was physically capable of. 

I want to find balance. 

I want to find new ways to show my husband and daughters how much I love them, how much I am grateful to God that He chose me to be theirs. I want to laugh more with them. I want to cherish my moments with them.

I want to surround myself with people I love.

I want to become a better me. Not a different me, but a better one.....the one that God created me to be. I want to thrive in my passions, and make the world a better place because I am doing what I love. 

I want to discover new music......the kind that travels right to the center of my heart and stays there. The kind that I can listen to on repeat and never tire of. The kind that moves me.

I want to love deeply and with abandon. 

I want to continue to make my home a refuge, a haven for my family. I want a place where friends want to gather, where all are comfortable and at ease. 

I want to cultivate my passions.

I want to create, to use my imagination. 

I want re-ignite!

A very happy new year to you! May God bless you in 2015!  Have you made any resolutions?  Specific or generalities, what are your goals for this year? 

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