Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Cultivate Create!

Love and joy to you and your family. Amidst the busyness, and hurried visits, may you remember to smile......


......even when your crazy uncle does something, well, crazy.... 

......May you be gracious to all your friends and family. Share some laughter. It's okay. Let loose and cackle!

I hope this Christmas, you find ways to share happiness.....

....and to be together. 

.....to make memories....

....and be in the moment.

....even when it's hard. 

May we slow down and remember why we are celebrating, why that night so long ago was holy....

......why with the birth of a little baby named Jesus, joy was brought to the world.

....Why shepherds and wise men followed a star so long ago......

This Christmas may you love and be loved.....

....may you share hope and peace.....

.....with family....

.....with strangers.....

....with friends! 
(All photos above by Newman's Photography)

Here's to dreaming of a white Christmas! (even if in South Alabama the chances are slim to none. Hey, a girl can dream!)

I'm taking a little break to spend time with family and friends and will be back fresh as a daisy in 2015!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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