This is probably only the second time that I've ever done an Advent calendar for my girls. This year, I decided I definitely wanted to create one that not only gave my girls a small treat each day, but helped them to remember what the Christmas season is all about.
I have had this extra large frame for a few years now, and the last couple of Christmases, it was where I would hang all of the Christmas cards we received. This year, it is housing our treat bag advent calendar. I ordered these treat bags from (which is one of those daily deals sites. They have party and craft supplies often.)
I used a Cricut to cut out the gift tags and numbers from scrapbook paper. I love how they turned out, and they are sturdy enough that I should be able to use them again next year. Also, I painted and glittered small clothespins that I found in the craft section at Wal-Mart. They were the perfect size to hold each treat bag.
I filled each bag with some candy and either scripture or something for us to do, including giving to others. I want them to get that Christmas isn't all about them or about getting, but it's about Christ and giving. I didn't type out each verse because my girls are old enough to look the scripture up themselves. I decided to use the time for them to practice looking up scripture. I tried to equally divide the scripture days with activity days, and had my calendar ready when I stuffed the bags to make sure the activity days weren't busy days for us.
Below, I have included a free printable of the scripture and activities that I used. Feel free to download and print so you can include in your own advent calendar. (I just printed, cut into strips, and folded to put into each bag.)
To download and print, click HERE. |
To download and print, click HERE. |
To download and print, click HERE. |