Monday, March 31, 2014

Wild Spring Adventures

Whew! Spring break is finally over and the kiddos went back to school this morning.  I thought I would never get them ready and out of the door.... I think they got used to sleeping in a bit and didn't want to get up.  

We had an awesome, laid back spring break.  Jared was able to be off of work for the week with the girls.  

We had spend the night company.....

....and lots of friends to play with.  They put on makeup outside while they built fairy houses.......

We worked in our yard and garden.  My friend, Jessica, helped me get our raised beds cleaned out and ready for new plants to go in. (Here we had the first bed cleaned out.)

Here is after I got the second bed cleaned out.

I found that I still had some herbs growing from last growing season.  Chives and parsley. 

And I've still got some onions.  I was surprised that it all was doing so well. I thought all of the ice and cold weather we had would've killed everything.  I've also got asparagus planted in the last bed.  It is already sprouting, too. 

Even our girls wanted to help!  We hooked up our small trailer to our mower so we could take the piles of leaves, sticks and branches (our mature oak trees shed terribly), and weeds from the raised beds to the curb.  

Ashlyn helped me rake between and around the raised beds.  

Katlyn enjoyed her turn on the mower as well. (Don't worry....blades weren't down, it was on  the lowest speed setting, and Jared walked beside them the whole time.)

Jared also got our garden area tilled and ready for planting. 

Then, we took a couple of days in Valdosta, Georgia to go to Wild Adventures theme park.  If you've never been, it is a great place for families.  They have a variety of kiddie rides, large roller coasters, and animals.  And just a hint.....spring break was a great time to go because it wasn't crowded and there were hardly any lines at all.  We were able to do quite a bit without waiting.  The water park isn't open yet this time of year, though.  The summer is much, much busier when they open the water park and start having the all of the concerts.  They have a great concert lineup this summer. 

The tiger must have been an Auburn fan because when he saw Jared's hat, he took it and threw it down on the ground. The girls thought that was hilarious. 

Enjoying the Dizzy Dragons.....

They had this area you could go into and feed the birds.  We loved this!  Everyone but me had birds land on them and eat bird seed.  They particularly liked Jared. 

We had such a great time!  The girls already want to go back! But I am kind of glad spring break is over.  Back to the grind this week!  I have lots of fun things to share with you this week, including a giveaway!  Be sure to check back. 

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