Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Break

Happy Spring!  I am sooooo glad it is finally here.  This week is my kiddos' spring break.  AND, my hubby is off work as well.  I'm going to take some time to enjoy my family this know, making memories, camping (if the weather cooperates), theme parks, and lazy spring days.  I will get back to my regular posting schedule next week!  I have some new projects to share with you as well as a giveaway you won't want to miss!

Also, let me take a minute to invite you to become a Cultivate Create follower!  Don't ever miss a post.  Join this site with Google+ or by email (sign up on the right side bar), or you can follow on Bloglovin. Also, check out Cultivate Create on Facebook and Pinterest! I would love it if you would!

I hope you have an awesome week!  


  1. Have a wonderful Spring Break! Ours was two weeks ago...I need another one! :)

    1. I know what you mean....I have a feeling I will need a break from Spring break when it is all over with. But enjoying my family being home!
