Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday #16

****Congrats to Dana T. on winning the Digital Design Board Giveaway!  I will be in touch soon!

Happy Wednesday! Whoop whoop!  Today is Weigh-In Wednesday for March.  In case you missed when I posted about it, I decided to start doing Weigh-In Wednesday only once a month instead of weekly. And since yesterday, I had a little heart to heart with you about my frustration, I'm going to keep this short, sweet, and to the point. 

Two weeks ago, at my last weigh in I posted about, I had lost a total of 31 pounds.  Today, I'm sitting at 32 pounds lost.  I'll take it. Even though it's slower than I would like, I'm moving in the right direction. 

I mentioned yesterday that I had my measurements taken last week.  Next month, I will be able to report inches lost as well as pounds lost. I regret not taking measurements in the very beginning, but,oh well.  (And I think that for April's weigh in, it will be time for some progress pictures.)

Spartan 30 Challenge

I did want to mention the Spartan 30 Challenge.  A friend told me about it on Facebook last night and I signed up to do it (Thanks, Ava).  It is a challenge to do 30 squats a day for 30 days.  Today is the first day of the challenge and I want to encourage you to go sign up!  (click the link above to sign up)  Let me know by commenting if you accepted the challenge!  I already did my squats for the day.  By day thirty, I'm gonna have leaner, meaner legs!

I hope you have an awesome day!  Get those squats done!

To view Weigh-in Wednesday from the beginning, click here. Links at bottom of the page. 

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