Monday, October 21, 2013

The Chapel Market Recap Part 1

31 Days of Revising Home: Day 21

Saturday, my friend Stephanie and I headed up to Pike Road, Alabama for The Chapel Market.  I think I only slept about four hours the night before because I was so excited

It was an overcast day, but that didn't dampen our spirits. 

We were some of the first to arrive, about fifteenth in line.  I was so glad we got there as early as we did because due to space limitations and fire code, they were only letting a certain amount of people in at a time. People came from all over.  We did meet fellow Alabamians, but also met some gals from South Carolina, Georgia, and Illinois. 

 The neighborhood the Chapel is located in is absolutely picturesque. I wish my photos did it justice. 

The line grew pretty quickly and stayed like this until later in the morning.  

Evan G. Cooper from Evan and Company greeted us to get the day started. 

Two of these were hung on the front doors of the venue.  They were made with fresh greenery and I absolutely loved them!  In the past, blue hasn't been a color often associated with fall decor, but recently, I have seen it used more. The sprigs of cotton and white pumpkins make this door hanger unforgettable.

When we first walked in, since we were close to the front of the line, the crowd wasn't that bad.  

But, it didn't take long for it to look like this.  Elbow to elbow, people. And that was with them limiting how many could come in at one time. 

I got to meet the lovely Shaunna from Perfectly Imperfect. She was so sweet and her booth was absolutely adorable.

 Here is the only shot I got of the Perfectly Imperfect booth and it is a little blurry. It was kind of hard to stop and take pictures amidst the crowd without causing a traffic jam or elbowing someone in the face. 

 I also met Karianne from Thistlewood Farms. Ya'll, she was precious. I think in this photo, we were laugh-talk-smiling. If you have never checked out her blog, you should.  Her home is gorgeous and I adore her style of writing. 


Fresh flowers were available from Evan & Co.  They were beautiful. 

Southern Accents had lots of interesting architectural salvage.

Urban Farmgirl's booth had some unique vintage items.

I love the vintage hipster vibe of her booth.  There were lots of plaids, antlers, and metal items. 

This was one of the funniest things!  We left after doing our initial walk through and came back later that afternoon when the crowds had died down.  When we walked back into Urban Farmgirl's booth, someone had so lovingly left this message for everyone. It cracked me up and I had to share. 

 We got to meet Mary Kay Andrews. She was such a sweet lady.  She has a new book out called Christmas Bliss. I look forward to reading it. 

 We had an absolute blast!  Be sure to check back tomorrow for Part 2. I will be sharing photos of the model home open house we went to while we were there in the neighborhood and also the items I brought home with me and how I am incorporating them into my Revising Home plan.  This week I will be talking about revising home in our decor and how and where to shop for it!

Update: See Part 2 here.


  1. Hello Amanda,
    Wasn't that the best show ever? I now remember seeing you in the line before the doors opened. I had sooo much fun meeting some of my longtime blog friends and buying some wonderful treasures from them. Looking forward to seeing what you got.


    1. Yes! I had an absolute blast! It was so neat to get to meet bloggers I've followed for a while. I remember seeing you up ahead of us in the line as well! Thank you so much for stopping by! Too bad we didn't get to officially meet while we were there.
