Monday, October 28, 2013

Revising the Side Entry

Day 28: 

I am remiss to say that I have missed that last couple of days during the Revising Home series, but we are almost to the finish line and I am going to finish strong.  Today, I thought I would share with you a small change I made in the side entry that makes big impact. (or bigger than before.)

I started with this: 

The problem:  The white mirror is too small for that space and hung too high.  I love, love, love my $3 mirror I found at a garage sale.  I snatched it up and brought it home and painted it white.  It will have to find a new home somewhere else.  Also, while I have a place to hang my purse, coats, backpacks, or scarves, I had nowhere to hang my keys.  

And here is what I ended up with:

The Solution: Sorry about the shaded pic. I couldn't seem to get the light right this morning.  Anywho, I added a larger window frame to fill up the space better. 

I made a fresh Magnolia wreath to hang on the frame for seasonal flare.  I hung it with burlap I painted gold polka dots on. 

My hubby added the hooks to the frame for me so we would have somewhere to hang our keys.  And the arrow is a find from The Chapel Market.  

So went from this......

To this.....

Better? I think so. More functional? Yes!  Do you have a space in your home that needs revising?

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