Friday, October 25, 2013

Family Friday: Halloween Costumes

***Thank you all so much for your outpouring of encouragement and support for My Struggle post. I hardly could keep up with all of the comments on Facebook, emails, and texts I received!  I heard from those of you I know and don't know.  I found that A LOT of women struggle with the exact same thing! Thanks for sharing your struggles with me and please know that I am praying for you ladies and I appreciate so much your prayers for me.  And thank you so much for the accountability that I now have!  I am so excited for this journey and can't wait to see where it takes me!

Halloween costumes are a big deal to my girls this year.  More than ever before, they have big opinions about what they want to dress up as.  And I'm running behind getting their costumes made. 

Two years ago, We did simple costumes. A ballerina and a cowgirl.  We already had the dance clothes and we borrowed the cowgirl outfit from my sister-in-law. 

And last year, I made a cupcake costume to go with K's "baker" outfit that my best friend made for her. It really wasn't that hard to make the cupcake costume. I started with a small, round laundry basket. I covered it with paper and pink tulle.  Then I rolled batting around and around to make the frosting. The sprinkles are felt that I hot glued on.  I used a stretchy headband to hold the topping. The cherry is made out of a ball and a twig I glued together and spray painted red.  I mean, there has to be a cherry on top, right? 

But this year K wants to be Minnie Mouse and A wants to be Batgirl.  The Minnie Mouse costume will be easy.....mouse ears we got at Disney World, black leotard and tights, and a red tulle skirt with white polkadots (that I have yet to start making.) 

The Batgirl costume will require more effort.  I wanted to make a custom one rather than buying one.  It will also sport a tulle skirt to make it a little more girly, but I am using thrift store finds to make the rest.  I can't wait to show you when I get finished!  

So, it's off to buy tulle and get started on the costumes for these girls of mine! Hope you all have a happy Friday and a great weekend!

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