Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Side Entry --Thrifty Decorating

Gallery Wall and Church Pew

Well, I didn't even take any "before" pictures of this side entry.  Just imagine the space with nothing in it. It was just an empty space painted a light peachy, creamy color above and below the chair rail.  We use this entry most often to enter our home, and it has become one of my favorite places.

We got the church pew from a small country church.  They were selling for $25 each!  What a steal.

I added some curtain tie backs from Urban Outfitters that look like antique door knobs for somewhere to hang coats, purses, hats, scarves, and backpacks. I ordered the pillow covers from Very Jane.

The white mirror above is a yard sale find. I bought it for $3 and painted it white. I love it!

Most of the items on my gallery wall are thrifted or homemade.
-All of the frames were some I had or thrifted and spray painted white.
-The burlap monogram, button ampersand, and mossy number four were made by yours truly.
-The frames hold family photographs and free printables I found online.
-I found the sign at Prattville Pickers.  It is unusual to hang in a gallery wall, but I love it!
-The brass letter stencils came from Urban Outfitters.
-The "Henderson" art was a gift from my mom.

On the opposite wall, I hung a large frame that I added picture wire to so I could hang my girls' artwork, invitations, and school work.  At Christmas, I will display Christmas cards here.  I found the frame at a flea market for $10, then painted white and distressed it. 

There you have it!  Our side entryway that makes me smile so.  And I did it all on a budget.  No use in breaking the bank to make your home look fabulous! A penny saved is a penny earned.  Save those pennies for a splurge or big ticket items like furniture or "forever" pieces.  You won't regret it.


  1. This wall turned out so cute! I love the arrow sign (and of course the church pew)!

    Happy day to you!
