Thursday, September 05, 2013

Living Room Before and After

After we finished our kitchen remodel, the next major thing we did was tackle the floors.  All of the living spaces had light colored carpet that was stained and not in very good condition.  This one project made a HUGE difference!

All of these pictures were taken with a cell phone and were the only ones I got of the process. Sorry!

Oh, carpet, I do not miss you!  It really dated our home and wasn't in good condition so it had to go!

This is looking at the breakfast area right off of the kitchen.  This room had an addition built on about ten years ago, so there is enough room for living area, breakfast table, and a sitting area (when I get around to buying furniture for it.)

J was so excited to rip out that carpet!  Look at the grin on his face!  I put down the camera phone, and got busy helping him! Therapy!  We ripped out the carpet, pad, and all the tack strips. We cleaned and prepped and our floors were ready to go when the installers arrived.  We were confident in the taking out part, but were overwhelmed with the installing part.  When in doubt, let the professionals handle it.  (We not only replaced carpet in the living area, but in the hallway, office, and formal dining---I will post about those areas soon.)

Here is a look from the kitchen looking into the living room and down the hallway. NO carpet!

Is it just me, but is this already an improvement?  If not for that line in the concrete subfloor where the addition was built, wouldn't it have been awesome for a dark stained and polished concrete floor?

And here are the new floors!  (Still a bit dusty.  I probably used the Swiffer dry and wet five times! It took a little while for the dusty haze to go away.)

We are currently a little further along in the process of making our house a home and I can't wait to share updated pictures of this space and the progress we are making.  Stay tuned!

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