Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Valentine's Day Wreath

A couple of weeks ago, I was perusing the aisles at The Dollar Tree when I spotted some bags of some adorable little pom poms. I starting brainstorming about what I could possibly use them for. I wasn't exactly sure what I would use them for, but I grabbed a few bags anyway.  When I got home, I remembered that I had some wreath forms and wanted to make a wreath for Valentine's Day. Ding ding ding!! I could make a pom wreath.


Materials Needed:

  • Wreath form
  • 6-8 bags of pom poms
  • fabric
  • hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Embellishments like ribbon is desired

I covered a wreath form with white fabric just in case there were any spaces that might peek through the poms. I began by hot gluing the poms all along the inner and outer edges, then began filling in the wreath.


The finished product is a cute, fuzzy, little wreath for the month that promotes all of those fuzzy feelings of love. To top off the wreath I added a heart shaped cookie cutter in the center by tying it to a ribbon and hot gluing to the back.

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