Thursday, December 04, 2014

DIY Tissue Paper Trees

I'm just popping in quickly today to share this simple craft.  Tissue Paper Trees are so easy and simple to make, anyone can do it. You'll need cone shaped styrofoam forms, copy paper, tissue paper (I used scalloped edge paper), and hot glue. You can also add glitter if you want. 

Start by adding white copy paper to the form to cover the green. I also added a small cone to the top to make it look for like a Christmas tree and to cove the flat top. I did both my trees differently. The one on the left, I cut small sections of the scalloped paper and glued them to the form.  The one on the right, I cut my paper in long strips and wrapped around the form. While they both look good, I think I prefer the one on the right. It seems to have a little more movement. You can play around with your method to get the look you want. I just continued adding tissue paper until it covered the whole tree. Lastly, I sprayed with spray adhesive and dusted with fine glitter. 

This is such an easy craft and it didn't take all that long. It would a great one to get the  kiddos involved in!

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