Monday, December 01, 2014

DIY Ornament Wreath

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We enjoyed spending time with our family and I had a blast shopping on Black Friday. Now it's December and I say let the Christmas festivities begin!  (I have two Christmas parties this week alone. Already.) 

To celebrate the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, I'm sharing Christmas crafts and DIYs again this week, starting with one of my ornament wreath. 

DIY Ornament Wreath

Gather your supplies:
*ornaments (lots and lots of them!) Check thrift and dollar stores. You want a variation in size for this wreath in order to be able to fill in the gaps. I used three sizes, the smallest being balls for mini trees. 
*Wreath form. I used a straw one I already had on hand.
*Hot glue gun and glue.

1. Start by hot gluing your larger ornaments around the outside and inside of the wreath to get your base. 
2. Once you have the outside and inside perimeter of the wreath lined with ornaments, begin to fill in the top ( or front once you hang it) of the wreath. Be sure to vary the color and sizes in order to get better coverage. 
3. Continue to hot glue the ornaments around the wreath until you get good coverage. 

This is a very simple wreath to make, it is just a bit time consuming.  Also, just a little tip. I made one of these last year, then stored in our storage building that is not climate controlled. It got really hot in the summer and most of the ornaments fell off and I had to completely start over this year. You may want to store this inside your home where there won't be a huge variation in temperature to compromise the integrity of the hot glue. 

And one more thing. This wreath takes a lot of ornaments to make. Buy more than you think you need. Because you will probably need them. Last year when making one, I kept having to go back and get more ornaments.  This year, I was prepared. 

Have you ever made an ornament wreath?  I'd love to see it. Leave a comment with a link to a blog post featuring ornament wreaths. Don't blog? Share your ornament wreath photo on Cultivate Create Facebook page. I can't wait to see them!

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