Friday, November 21, 2014

Frugal Debt Free Life Podcast

Decorating on a Small Budget

Happy Friday! I wanted to stop in this morning to tell you about the Frugal Debt Free Life Podcast.  I had the privilege of being interviewed by Lydia of Frugal Debt Free Life (formerly Five 4 Five Meals) about decorating on a small budget. It was so fun to talk to her and share some of my tips for creating a welcoming home when the budget is tight, and ways to save money when buying home decor and accents. 

Speaking of accents, my Southern drawl is very apparent during this podcast (Lydia even points it out in the beginning, which is too funny). And my goofiness makes a bit of an appearance,too.  But, it was loads of fun and I think you will enjoy it!

You can learn more about the Frugal Debt Free Life: Decorating on a Small Budget podcast and listen HERE.

Also, go check out Lydia's blog! She has some amazing tips for living a debt free life, yummy recipes, and much more: 

Frugal Gift Guide

Frugal Living

Have a wonderful weekend! Come back Monday for the start of my Christmas craft series!

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