Thursday, October 23, 2014

Molly Wins

At the beginning of the fall season, I had grand ideas about how my fall display would look. It involved hay bales and corn stalks. Pumpkins and mums would be placed ever so strategically among the straw, drawing us in, making us want to sigh and declare, "I love fall!" 

Little did I know the struggle I would have regarding my beautiful outdoor display. Shortly after setting up the display at our side entry, our dog Molly began using the hay bales as her bed. Then she decided that the pumpkins were her new favorite play things. (In case you missed it, you can see the original fall display and more about Molly's bad straw bale destroying, pumpkin picking habits HERE.)

Earlier this week, we decided to concede defeat and get rid of the hay bales.  I regretfully put them away and rearranged, the best way I could, all of the pumpkins and mums that I had on hand. The cornstalks, what was left after Molly decided that she enjoyed chewing on them, were placed on either side of the front door. 

We added a couple of Jack-o-lanterns, but other than that, I just used things I had on hand. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me documenting Molly's bad habits there. But now, I have video proof.  (And don't mind the cackling in the background. My hubby and daughters were watching AFV and apparently it was pretty hilarious.)

Click HERE to view video!

Obviously, we love our puppy. She gets lots of belly rubs----her favorite. As I type this, there are small pumpkins littering my front walkway since Molly got a whim to play with them early this morning.  But, I have learned my lesson this year and won't attempt to decorate with hay bales again. And will have to be more careful where I put our pumpkins. Man, I hate losing to a dog. 

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