Monday, August 18, 2014

Living Room Update

Happy Monday!  I trust that you had an amazing weekend and are ready to start this week on the right foot. I feel like I have so far. I got up at 4:15 this morning to get ready for a 5am Boot Camp class. Yes, I am a proud member of the 5am Club, at least on Mondays that is. I am not a morning person, so this is quite a feat for me. 

As promised, today I am sharing the progress in our living room now that we have switched the dining and living areas. Here's what we have done so far. 

I added some black and white trellis curtains and custom one inch faux wood blinds. We almost had another Clark Griswold moment when installing the blinds. I failed to realize and the person that helped me at Lowe's failed to tell me to take into consideration the mounting hardware in the width when measuring for the blinds. We ended up about a half inch off when we got to installing the third blind. But, Jared took the last section of the blinds back to Lowe's and they cut it for us free of charge. Clark Griswold moment  crisis averted. 

I shared details on the gallery wall last week. You can read that here for more details on how to do your own linear gallery wall.  

I finally got the backs of our entertainment center painted and everything put back in its place. Remember it was this bold turquoise?

Here is a view from the living into the foyer. I like how you pick up on the black and white painted floors from this area. That's why I decided to bring in more black and white into this room; so it would be more cohesive and flow better. 

I put my old ladder in this corner to hold throw blankets. It fit there quite nicely, I think. 

I love looking at magazines. I subscribe to a couple and they are well loved. I look at them over and over again, studying each page to get inspired for my home. I used these wire baskets that I got a yard sale to house the magazines for easy access.  They fit perfectly on the coffee table shelf. 

Here is a look back at what the room looked like when we moved in......

And the room now......

Still to do:
*Switch out throw pillows (I am not digging the ones I have now in the space.)
*Get a large area rug (I am thinking yellow or a bold color to break up all the gray and black and white)
*Decorate around television
*Hang art on wall opposite the gallery wall
*Find Jared a chair that both rocks or glides and is pretty

That's making progress, right? I am pleased so far. I hope you have an awesome Monday!

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