Monday, January 11, 2016

The Benefits of a Neutral Base Color Palette

Happy Monday, everyone! I've been in the process of packing up all of my Christmas decorations, and I thought while my living room is devoid of any color, I'd show you the benefit of working with a neutral color palette. I love to be able to change things up as the seasons change, and having neutral furniture and walls allows me to do that.  I wanted to show you what the neutral base looks like before I add personality and depth back into the room.

Below, the three pictures show the difference it makes just to change out some accessories. The first photo is just the neutral base, without any  pops of color or added textures. Just bare bones. The second is my fall living room, and the third was during Christmas. Each look so different, but it was very easy and inexpensive to achieve because all I had to change out were accessories.

Christmas Living Room:

I added Christmas throw pillows, changed out accessories like books and photos in order to get a different look for Christmas. I wanted the room to feel cozy and homey so using different textures in the room helped to do that.

On our entertainment center, I used lots of reds with books and boxes. I framed Christmas photos and free printables, and even let our Christmas movies act as decor in the wire baskets. I change items out in this fashion each season and it helps pull the room together.

Now that Christmas is over, all I have to do is swap out the large chalkboard print for one that will work for everyday or another season.

Here is a closer photo of our entertainment center so you can see better how I used little pops of reds in order to pull all of the color together.

Fall Living Room:

For fall, it was simple to change out the throw blanket, pillows, and accessories to completely change the look of the room.

Neutral Living Room:

And here the room is after I've taken all of the Christmas out, but haven't added anything back in yet. Very blah and very boring right now. But all I'll have to do is add in some pops of color and different textures to make the room feel cozy again.

I love being able to completely change the look and feel of the room throughout the year, so having such a neutral base works really well for me. I can't wait to show you guys after I give this room some personality again, and I hope this helps you in your own space when debating possible neutral walls/furniture.

***By the way, don't forget to go HERE and enter to win the Digital Design Board giveaway!

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