Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Shenanigans

Week before last, I shared my Countdown to Spring that I made for my girls to enjoy in anticipation of the season's arrival. We had so much fun doing the activities that were in each day's goodie box. They loved coming home from school to see what today's activity would be.

We enjoyed a spring scavenger hunt with our neighbor friends......

The girls broke up into two teams and we timed them for fifteen minutes. The team with the most on their list won. Here's what they found. (Team One's items are on the right, Team two's on the left.)

Team One won by a ladybug. Literally.

Another of our activities one day was to freshen up our bird bath. Katlyn and Ashlyn took turns scooping out all of the leaves and debris that had accumulated in the bath. Then we trimmed the bushes around it to make it look better. Next, we replenished the birdbath with fresh water.

I snapped this photo of the birdbath this morning in the foggy, cool air. It isn't perfect, but it's an improvement from what it was. We still need to clean up around it a bit, but the birds seem to be enjoying it.

Another activity we did last week, and one that we do each year, is plant some annuals. My girls love to pick out their own flowers and they help me plant them and water them throughout the season. Here is one of the pots that we planted, full of the flowers they chose. I can't wait to see it grown to maturity, all the flowers mixing together and spilling over!
Photo courtesy of Jeremy Henderson (Thanks, Jeremy!)
We've also been busy with t-ball practice and are looking forward to our first game of the season this weekend! Nothing like Spring nights spent cheering on our little one's team!

Mommy-daughter time.

I had to show you this photo. This is the first time since we moved into our home that our azaleas have bloomed! They aren't in full bloom yet, but I was so excited to see that they are blooming. When we first moved in, we cut them back drastically because they were so overgrown. I thought we might have ruined them, but it's nice to know that the bushes are resilient.

If you follow me on Instagram, you've already seen this collage. I snapped these photos in my yard and around my neighborhood on one of my afternoon walks. Isn't Spring just gorgeous?

Be sure to stop back by tomorrow for a Spring DIY that you are definitely going to want to try!

More Spring Inspiration:

Shop your home for Spring
Countdown to Spring

Free Spring Printables

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