Monday, February 23, 2015

Shop Your Home: Get a New Look For Less

Over the weekend, I finally had had enough! I still had "holes" around my home where I had taken down Christmas decorations and just never put anything else back to replace it. A lot of my year-round décor items had been displaced during the Christmas season and were sitting on the floor of my laundry room, just waiting to be put back where they belong. I also had a lot of items tucked away in closets that had never been used. So, I got this idea that I would lay out my décor items, take stock of what I have. Maybe I could get a new look without spending money.


I began gathering my items, kind of grouping things that were similar by color or material. That way, I could get a visual of what items I had, and it would also help me to see ways to group things and display them in a new way.


By shopping your home, it also gives you the perfect opportunity to clean out and pare down. Really look at what you have. Are there items that no longer reflect your style? Are there items that can be updated and used in different ways? Take the opportunity to donate or sell items that you don't absolutely love. 


If you're at a loss for what to do with some of your décor, I really recommend doing this. It helps a lot to be able to see of the items you have on hand.

Shopping your home helps with:
*Visualizing new display groupings or pairings
*Deciding if items are to be sold or donated
*Showing you what you might still need in your space
*Utilizing items that have previously gone unused

Try it!

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