Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Spring Dreaming

As I'm sitting here nursing a head cold or sinus infection, swaddled in a warm blanket, I am trying to think of something other than the cold bleakness outside.

Warm, happy thoughts.Warm, happy thoughts. Warm, happy thoughts.....
Just like a dream montage in Wayne's World (Oh, Dream Weaver....), I am dreaming of warmer days and more color!  Can't I look forward to Spring, and hope that Mr. Groundhog was wrong and it will come sooner rather than later? These cold, grey days are quite depressing. 
I started looking online for inspiration for my yard this Spring. There are some areas in our yard that I haven't tackled yet and I can't wait to get a game plan.  The past couple of years since we moved into our current home, we have planted a good bit of vegetables in our raised beds and they haven't done very well. Instead of spending a lot of resources on that, I decided I would just buy local produce this year to can and put up, and I would focus my energy on the areas in our yard we have yet to improve.
Here are some posts and photos that got me excited that Spring is right around the corner.

//Via Little House in the Valley//
My eye is usually drawn to bold pops of color, especially when it comes to flowers. This color palette is so pretty; vibrant orange and purple, fuschia, and lime green. So pretty.

//Via TuBloom//
I like the way these planters have annuals planted around an evergreen. I think that is an Arborvitae or something similar to it planted in the center. That would make it easy to keep height to this planter, while being able to change the flowers out seasonally. That way, you wouldn't have to start completely from scratch each season.

Shaded Areas

//Via Carolyn's Shade Garden//
In our yard, we have a few rather large oak trees. That keeps a good portion of our yard in shade and those areas don't look so hot. I hope to add some shade tolerant plants to our yard this year, including hostas, starting in our front landscaping. I won't get to all of the areas this year because our yard is almost two acres, but I can get started.

//Via Simple and Frugal//
I thought this was a great example of how to plant under a shade tree. There is a variation of color and texture, albeit subtle, in just planting all those hostas. I am going to base my shade plantings on this photo.

Colorful Curb Apeal
//Via Organized Clutter//
I love it when gardeners have an eye for what to plant together to make such a pretty grouping. I'm not that skilled when it comes to plants, but I can try. I'd love to find a small area to plant a grouping with lots of different flowers and colors.

Try Something New
//Ranunculus Growing Guide//
I love, love, love ranunculus! I would love to plant some and be able to clip them for fresh bouquets. I've never grown them, but I want to give them a try. They grow from bulbs, which need to be planted now actually. If I'm going to have some of these beauties this year, I need to order some bulbs asap.

Thanks for indulging my warm-weather daydreams today. I just needed to take my mind off of being sick, and to look forward to something I really enjoy each year!

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