Monday, February 09, 2015

I'm Still Here

Hello, sweet friends. I'm just stopping in today quickly to let you know I'm still here. All last month, I spent trying to catch up with housework and getting Christmas put away, and generally trying to get myself into gear. (Remember this post?) Goodness, it has just felt like my wheels kept spinning and spinning and wasn't able to gain any traction.  Now, here it is in early February and I'm just now starting to move forward a bit.

Do you ever feel that way?  Some months you just can't seem to get it in gear? And for some reason, January seems to be one of those months each year that are like that for me. I don't know if it's because of all the busyness of the holidays caught up with me and my mind/body have had enough. Or maybe it's that weird winter depression thing that people talk about. I don't know. Whatever the reason, last month was just blah.  A few of my friends said the same thing about their January.  (I say bring on Spring, already!)

Normally, my blog goals are to post three to five times a week.  I have fallen short of that mark in 2015 so far.  I do have some projects that I have completed that I have yet to even photograph to be able to share with you.  And some exciting projects coming up that I am super pumped about that I'll be telling you about soon. So, that being said. I have to run. One of those projects is staring me in the face and I haven't even had a cup of coffee this morning yet. I'm getting my hustle on so I can share with you. Here's to the hustle and making the most of this day!

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