Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ten Years

On this day ten years ago, my life changed forever. I made a vow, an oath, to love and cherish, to honor and obey. I pledged my love for a man that I am forever grateful for before God and man. My heart was overflowing with the joy I felt.

Today, my heart overflows even more. With each year that has passed, each day that has passed, I have grown to love my husband more. Sometimes, I am in utter disbelief that God has blessed me with my husband, with my children.

The day we got engaged, August 2004

Honeymoon in Gatlinburg, TN

St. Augustine, FL 

Now, ten years later, I am so thankful for a man who works hard to provide for his family. He is selfless, always putting us before himself. He would do anything to see that we have what we need. I know that he loves me unconditionally, that he knows me probably better than I know myself.  He loves his girls and spends time with them to make sure they know that. I am beyond blessed to call this man my husband. 

So, Jared, here's to the next ten years......and the ten after that.....and the ten after that. I love you more than words can say, more than I could ever hope to express. You make me one of the happiest girls in the world! SHMILY!

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