Wednesday, August 27, 2014

One Year Blogiversary

It has been one whole glorious year since I launched Cultivate Create! I wanted a place to share my passions for all things DIY!  (You can see my very first post here.) I wanted something I could call my own, something I could be proud of.  After a year of blogging, I can say that I love it more now than when I started. I have met some incredible people through blogging that I now consider friends even if we are many, many miles apart. I have learned and I have grown, and I am so excited to see what the next year brings. 

I have shared with you my struggle to get healthy and lose weight, home projects as we complete them, and lots of DIY ideas. I hope only to improve in the next year! 

Here are some changes being made:
~Cultivate Create is getting a facelift! Yep, we will have new and improved design very soon!
~Better navigation. I will be working on improving site navigation so that it is easier for you to find posts that you want to read. A new and improved "Projects" page is on its way. 
~Lots of cool projects are coming up! I don't want to spill all the beans yet, but exciting things are on the way. In fact, check back tomorrow for a big announcement!
~More giveaways! How about some free giveaways throughout the year? Yes? I thought so.

Seriously, you guys are the best! So, to celebrate my one year "blogiversary," I thought I would host a giveaway to show you guys how truly appreciative I am for you stopping by and reading. The giveaway is open to US residents only and ends next Wednesday! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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