Thursday, June 12, 2014

Independence Day Inspiration

I love the Fourth of July!  We get to celebrate our great nation and enjoy the company of good friends. We get to savor grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, let homemade ice cream cool us off in the hot July air, and write our names in the sky with sparklers! It makes me reminisce about all things America; baseball, apple pie, the sacrifice that so many men and women have made so that we can be free.  

Our Independence Day is less than a month away, and I'm dreaming up ways to decorate to help make it a special day. Currently my "brainstorm" is scattered all across my dining room table. 

Seeing all of the red, white, and blue makes me smile. The stars and stripes get me excited about decorating for that day. Sometimes, kind of heaping all of my items together help inspire me, almost like a living design board. 

Right now, our back patio is almost unusable, but I am looking forward to making it a relaxing space that my family can enjoy.  I'm going to be decking it out with red, white, and blue and I already have some projects in the works. I can't wait to share them with you as I get them finished starting next week and leading up to the big day.  

Have a great weekend and God bless America, land that I love. 

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