Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday


Just checking in with you guys today briefly!  Since last week, I hit the gym everyday, including an awesome Boot Camp class, until this weekend.  I haven't been back in the gym yet. Between the holiday weekend, and trying to get home projects done (trying to get my foyer floors done, but it is taking longer than expected!), I haven't made it back to the gym or even walked around the neighborhood. But, I did drop a pound since last Wednesday!  Yes!  I'm going to have to get creative this week in order to get any semblance of a workout in since it is recital week for my girls.  Each afternoon and night the rest of the week is booked up so I will have to make sure I workout in the mornings or it's not happening. 

Sorry so brief today, but duty calls!  I'm keeping on keeping on!  Thirty-nine pounds lost total.  I'll take that. 

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