Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Struggle is Real

So, I completely missed checking in with you at the beginning of the month about the getting healthy/weight loss thing!  But, here I am, still plugging along. While I have no new weight loss to report, still holding where I was, I am hanging in there. The last month was crazy busy!  Both of my girls played ball in different age divisions, so it was a bit harder for me to make my favorite classes at the gym, and eating healthy was more difficult because of us being on the go so much. For a month and a half while ball season was in full swing, I was hit or miss for Zumba and Boot Camp because of our crazy schedule. Then, about three weeks ago at Zumba, I hurt my ankle. So, for a week all I did was squats and push-ups because my ankle hurt so bad. Then the two weeks after that, all I added was walking. My ankle is better, but it still smarts sometimes if I step on it a certain way.  I didn't sprain it, but I think it is a tendon issue. (I am so tired of hurting myself trying to get this weight off. But, I guess that comes with getting older.) 

Post Zumba! You can't really tell, but I was drenched! Such a great workout and I enjoy all the great gals who attend that class!
 I went shopping for clothes for the first time since I started losing my weight and the last time I checked in about my progress.  I was able to go down another size in pants and my shirts were a smaller size.  (When I started I was a 24, and I currently can wear a 20. And in dresses, I was able to fit in an 18.)  That encouraged me A LOT since the scale hasn't budged. But, since I am going to be losing more weight, I didn't want to invest in a lot of clothes. I bought what would hold me over for now and will buy a little more when I go down another size.  I still wear some things that are a little too big, trying to keep from spending a lot on something that I won't be able to wear long. So, if you see me around and I am wearing the same thing you saw me in last time, you know why.  

Monday, I started over on Phase 1 of the Maker's Diet. I prepped my snacks ahead of time so that it would be easier for me to make healthy choices.  Snacks are pineapple, peaches, almonds, P3 protein snack packs, and fruit salad. 

The fruit salad is so yummy! I call it my tropical fruit salad. It is fresh pineapple, mango, kiwi, and blueberries. So delicious!

Once again this month, I signed up for the Spartan Challenge.  This month is a group challenge and Sara and Lori are my workout buddies. While we don't get to walk together or workout together everyday, it has encouraged me knowing they are there!  I have enjoyed our walks together in our neighborhood. 

Guys, I am hanging in there. But the struggle is real! Last night a friend posted a pic on her Facebook page that was her family's snack (ice cream), and her snack (cantaloupe) side by side.  She is determined!  I felt her struggle/frustration. I cooked pizza last night for my family, one of my favorite foods, and I ate baked chicken, salad, and fruit.  Those leftover pieces of pizza that sat in my refrigerator last night mocked me!  You know you want to eat me!  Pizza is delicious!  I will taste so good! It won't hurt if you just eat one piece. Come and get me out of this fridge!  No, pizza. You lie! Not tonight. 

Starting next Wednesday, I am resuming Weigh-In Wednesdays.  It really helps me to have accountability that it gives me.  It's not glamorous, it's hard work, and a struggle, but I think checking in with you really helps motivate me!  So, until next week, keep it up!

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