Monday, April 21, 2014

The Easter That Was

As I'm sitting here downing my second cup of coffee, (please wake up, brain!), I wanted to tell you a little about our Easter weekend.  It was simple and no frills.....just the way I like it. 

On Saturday, we gathered at my sister-in-law's home for dinner and egg hunting for the kiddos. 

Pictured are my two rugrats with my four nieces. (I didn't get to see my two nephews this weekend.)  Taylor and Gabby are too 0ld to hunt eggs so they help out a great deal with the little ones hiding the eggs and then helping them find them. 

On Sunday, we enjoyed a beautiful Easter service, then headed to Jared's Granny's for lunch and more egg hunting. It was cloudy and cool both days, but the kids didn't let that dampen their spirits. 

The race is on for the eggs!  

Katlyn was so proud of all the eggs she found. Just look at that smile!

After our egg-hunting eggstravaganza, they got a little preoccupied with the mini trampoline.  Ashlyn was jumping as high as she possibly could in her true fashion; all or nothing. 

My niece, Ava, tried so hard to keep up with the bigger girls.  She hung right with them. 

Here are a couple of pics I quickly snapped of the simple table I set for Easter that we ended up not using.  It was cloudy, so I didn't get great photos.  Jared wasn't feeling well, so we ended up going home and resting and didn't get to have my brother and sister-in-law over for dinner.  I didn't get a chance to add the finishing touches to it, like silverware, glasses, place cards, or any final touches or embellishments. But it would've been pretty if I had been able to use it. 

 Above the table, is a birch branch that I spray painted pink and then hung crystals from it.  I used it a couple months ago at a friend's baby shower and decided to use it for our Easter table. If I had been able to finish the tablescape, I probably would have hung a few eggs and maybe moss balls from it as well.  

I hope you all had a marvelous Easter weekend!  We enjoyed ours in spite of not getting to see all of our family.  

He is risen, indeed!

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