Friday, March 07, 2014

Spring Fever & Weekend Reading

There was a hint of spring one day this week.  The temperature was comfortable and the sun was warm as it shone on my face. I sat outside, taking it all in, soaking up all the Vitamin D I could get.  I watched my girls practice softball and t-ball.  I listened to my husband tinker with our lawn mower.  Enjoying that afternoon, although it was fleeting, gave me spring fever even more than I already had.  

My many Camelia trees throughout my yard are bursting with blooms, donning reds, pinks, and red-whites. I can't wait for the azaleas to follow.  

The beautiful view I had that afternoon in my back yard made me yearn to get my hands dirty planting flowers and vegetables.  I'm looking forward to my yard being as green as the pasture out back. 

As Katlyn and Ashlyn practiced ball, giggled in the sun, and played with our dog, Molly, I couldn't help but hope that spring comes sooner rather than later.  We need more days like that one.  I need more days like that. 

Maybe this weekend, the temps will rise a bit.  Maybe the sun will shine. Maybe we will get another glimpse of spring. I really hope so. 

Here is some weekend reading for you to enjoy! (Whether the weather stays gloomy and you're stuck inside or we actually have sunshine and you can read in the sun.) Just a few things I found around the web this week that stuck out. Have a marvelous weekend!

Weekend Reading:

The Ugly Truth About Bravery.
How to Preserve Boxwood
Colorful Outdoor Space from The Hunted Interior
Planting Chart for Spring Flowers
Carrie Underwood's Leg Workout

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