Monday, March 03, 2014

Painted Black and White Striped Curtains

In redecorating my girls' bedroom, I knew that I wanted striped curtains and I also wanted to try to paint them myself. I'd seen that being done a lot on Pinterest to get custom curtains for a fraction of the cost.

I started with a pair of Vivian curtains from IKEA.  They are available to purchase online, and at $9.99 per pair.  That's a steal!  Also, they are 98'' tall, so if you like to hang your curtains high and wide (which I definitely prefer), they are perfect. 

I knew I wanted wide stripes, so I divided the 98" by ten to get ten stripes total.  They were spaced every 9.8 inches, roughly.  When measuring the first panel, I was meticulous at first, then started just eyeballing it.  When I got the first panel taped, I put the second panel on top and taped exactly where the first was.  I wanted to make sure both panels looked uniform.  

I then added a fabric medium to the paint per instructions on the bottle.  It enables the paint to go on fabric with a heat set so that it can be washed. 
Martha Stewart Fabric Medium

Once I had the paint mixed with the medium, I painted the stripes with a small foam roller.  It didn't take very long.  I had to paint two coats to completely cover the fabric.  

It is cloudy today, so I couldn't get a good picture of the curtains in the room, but I will as soon as I can for you guys. I will be sharing some of the DIY artwork for the room soon as well. 

So, for about $20, I have two curtain panels that look great in the room!  The are floor to ceiling and "puddle" on the floor a bit.  Great bang for your buck! 

Have you ever painted curtains or fabric before?  I can't wait to try it again with drop cloths and a stencil. 

Looking forward to wrapping up the girls' room redo and sharing on the blog.  Be sure to enter the Giveaway if you haven't already! Winner will be announced Wednesday on the Cultivate Create Facebook page. 


  1. I almost did that for Karter's room, but was afraid they would be "hard" where painted?

    1. If you use the fabric medium and heat set it, then wash them, your curtains shouldn't be hard.

  2. These turned out great! I have some solid colored curtains I would love to try this with.
