Thursday, March 13, 2014

Freebie: Spring Printables

Spring is in the air. Can you feel it?  The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the temps are finally starting to rise a little.  (I just hope they stay that way.)  There is just something about Spring. I love it. It's more than just the weather. It's the promise of new birth, of growth, of life bursting forth from what was dormant or dead. Just like me. And you. 

I created some free Spring Printables for you to enjoy.  If you are anything like me, you like to change your decor a little depending on the season.  One of the easiest and cost effective ways to do that is utilizing free printables. There are tons of blogs and websites that offer them, so they are generally easy to find, especially on Pinterest.  (You can go check out my Printables and Fonts board here.)

I found these quotes from E.E. Cummings and I knew I had to use them and pair them with bright, fresh colors.  I made one a bit more muted and one a little more bold. I hope you enjoy! 

To download, right click and save to your computer. Then print. Easy, huh?  For personal use only. Copyright 2014 Cultivate Create.

Linking up to:
Anything Blue Friday at The Dedicated House
Fabulously Creative Friday at Jen Rizzo
Spring Linky Party from At The Picket Fence