Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday #15 and Free Workout Printable

Hello, everyone.  I am finally on the blog with my first post of the week.  It has been crazy busy around here and I haven't had any spare time to get my posts finalized.  But, I finally have a breather this morning for a bit. I hope to get caught up on all blog-related projects.  

Since last week, I have been trying to get into more of a definite exercise routine and maximize my fitness potential.  I talked to the sweet athletic director/trainer at my gym (thanks for helping me out, Joni) and came up with a good schedule that I can stick with for now. 

Here it is:

To download, right click on picture and save to computer. Then print.  Copyright 2014 Cultivate Create. Personal use only. 
Just to specify, for my cardio I have been walking on the treadmill some, but focusing on the elliptical machine.  Also, I do Zumba on Monday nights. On strength training days, I usually get on the elliptical for 30-40 minutes, then do all of the machines for either the upper of lower body, depending on what I'm focusing on.  I also go to Boot Camp class on Thursday nights, which is full body strength training. Cardio-only days need to be at least 60 minutes of elevated heart rate. 

This week, I lost another pound, bringing my total to 31 pounds lost. (Starting weight 304. Current weight 273.) I'm not gonna lie and say I'm jumping for joy about that, but I did hit the strength training harder in the last week than I had previously, so there may be some muscle build there.  I have worked out really hard and eaten really good since last weigh-in so that is all I can do. I have noticed my clothes fitting more loose over the past few days, so I am confident of losing inches.  I have even had about three different instances just this week where someone has commented on my looking like I have lost more.  Joni did mention that I could have hit a plateau.  Maybe that's it. I'm convinced my body wants to stay fat, is pouting, and holding onto every fat cell with everything its got.  

You know, it is hard sometimes to not get frustrated when I don't shed a few pounds per week.  I wish I could just unzip my current body and step out with my new one.  It is a battle to not compare myself with others.  I have to continually remind myself that each step in the right direction, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. I have come a long way, especially internally.  Sometimes, I just get frustrated because I wish I could shed the pounds as fast as possible. 

But, I'm gonna stay positive and keep on keeping on.  Perseverance is the name of the game. 

See all Weigh-in Wednesday posts here. 

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