Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One More Before it's 2014

I really cannot believe that today is the very last day of 2013.  Where did the time go?  This year has really flown by!  

I wasn't going to post again until tomorrow, but I wanted to share one last time in 2013.  

On Christmas Eve, we had lunch at my house with my mom and brother and sister-in-law and nephew, Tripp.  I got a cool new chalkboard and I had to doodle on it right away.  I found some chalkboard art on Pinterest and just eyeballed it to create this message for Christmas morning.  I love the new chalkboard! (Thanks, Will!)

Before the girls went to bed, we went out to our front yard and they fed Santa's reindeer some reindeer food we made (oats and glitter).  No, that isn't snow.  I just happened to snap the picture just as they threw a handful of reindeer food in the air.  

Katlyn and Ashlyn left cookies for Santa and I found this letter beside the plate. How cute is that?  Did Katlyn get her signature?  You bet she did!

After my kiddos got in the bed, I got busy setting our breakfast table for our traditional Christmas morning breakfast.  My husband loves a hearty breakfast, so that is the main meal I cook on Christmas day.  

I wanted the table to be a little festive and surprise the girls.  Plus, having it all set and the serving dishes in place the night before helped to not have so much to do Christmas morning. The tablecloth is actually a curtain panel from Target.  I tied the navy blue napkins (that match my curtains) with gold, lacey ribbon and a flat lime green ornament.  I then scattered ornaments around the table.

(Yep, I really need to get a bigger rug for this area.  But I got that one for $7.50 on the day after Christmas last year from Target.  It'll do for the meantime.)

After opening presents, I got busy cooking!  Hubby loves a traditional southern breakfast so that's what he got.  Sausage, bacon, eggs, cheese grits, homemade biscuits, apple slices, and chocolate gravy.  

What?  You've never heard of chocolate gravy?  Well, I nevuh! It is a travesty if you haven't put this delicacy in your mouth.  Both of my grandmothers and mom cooked it for us growing up. Now, I only cook it on special occasions.  It has become our Christmas tradition. My family loves it!  It's easy!

Chocolate Gravy
In a saucepan, put 1 cup of sugar, two heaping tablespoons of cocoa, and just enough milk to wet it and stir.  (Don't know exact measurement of milk.  I just wing it.)  I like my chocolate gravy thick, so I don't add as much milk.  Start with a little and you can always add more milk, but once you've added too much, you can't change the runny consistently.  

Okay, so stir those together on medium heat. Don't get in a hurry and put it on high.  It will make your sauce gritty.  Be patient and let it come to a rolling boil slowly.  Once it has come to a boil, it is done.  Put on low heat to keep it from hardening.  

Then, drizzle over biscuits!  It is amazing!

All the running around and eating has tired my kiddos out!  Man, I wish I could sleep like Ash!  

Hope you all get rested up this week and have a happy new year!


  1. Love, love the photo of ash!! Your house looked absolutely beautiful and your chalkboard artwork was impeccable.

    1. Thanks. Ashlyn cracked us up! We couldn't resist taking a pic!

  2. I have never heard of Chocolate Gravy! What? I need to make this the next time my husband makes homemade biscuits. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome. You have to try it! It is so yummy.
