Friday, December 06, 2013

DIY Magnolia Wreath

Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?  I am!  I've been listening to Christmas music non-stop, watching cheesy Hallmark Channel movies, peppermint mocha coffee in hand.  

I spent the majority of this week on a special decorating project that I will share with you guys next week, and now I am finally taking a little time to finish up the holiday projects at my house.  

DIY Magnolia Wreath
Supplies needed:
*wreath form (I used a straw wreath.  It was only $3.49 at Micheal's and I had a 40% off coupon. Score!)
*Fresh magnolia leaves (If you don't have Magnolia in your yard, maybe a friend or neighbor has some they wouldn't mind you clipping.)
*Hot glue gun an glue
*Spray paint

Start by clipping Magnolia leaves off of the stems.  Then, hot glue in one direction around the wreath.  For this particular wreath, I wanted a more sleek, modern look so I glued the leaves all face down instead of some up and some down.  Isn't the green so pretty?  If you don't want to spay paint it, you could leave it as is for a more natural look.  

Once you get all of your leaves glued on, take it outside and spray paint it if you prefer. I went for a shiny gold.  (Rustoleum Bright Coat Metallic Finish is what I used and it works great.)  Use twine to hang and add a ribbon.  I used a lime green, satin ribbon.  And instead of doing a bow, I just draped the ribbon over the wreath.

Here are my shiny Magnolia wreaths hung in the living room.  They coordinate wonderfully with the tree. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  Be sure to check back next week for lots of Christmas projects.