Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Guest Post: Simmering Holiday Scents from HollyDays

This morning, I'd like to welcome Holly from HollyDays!  She has a wonderful idea for a sweet neighbor gift. Take it away, Holly!

I love the scents of the holidays; a turkey and casseroles baking in the oven, fresh apple cider on the stove and a fire in the fireplace. There is just something magical about walking into a warm cozy home surrounded by holiday scents. Last year, we were new to our neighborhood and I wanted a way to give a small Thanksgiving gift because many of our sweet neighbors had welcomed us into the neighborhood with small gifts the week we moved in our house. I decided to make up some simmering scents to cook on the stove and I loved how they turned out. Here’s the tutorial.

Simmering Holiday Scents

What you will need:
Oranges (I used tangerines – so small and cute)
Cinnamon Sticks
Ground Cinnamon (you could just use cinnamon sticks, but I like how the powder mixes up with the other ingredients)
Whole Cloves
Whole Allspice
Bags for packaging

1| Thinly slice apples and put them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Bake in 150-170 degree oven for about 4 hours. I flipped mine once every 30 minutes – 1 hour.

2| Time to combine ingredients: You don’t have to use these exact measurements, but this is a guide for what to use. (This is per bag, so if you need to make 10 bags, I’d multiply x10 so you don’t have to do them individually.) I used 1 TBSP Whole Cloves, 1 TBSP Ground Cinnamon, Approx. 1 TBSP Whole Allspice, ½ TBSP Nutmeg. Stir together.

3| Pour seasoning mixture in bag. Layer cinnamon sticks (about 2 per bag), slices of apples (as many as you like - I used 2-3). Then top with a whole orange. I like the color it brings to the bag.

4| Tie with a tag. We have these cute tags that come with twine available on our website.

5| Make sure you give the recipients of your bags directions on how to use the scents: Slice or cut orange, pour all contents in small saucepan, add 2 cups water and simmer to bring the scents of the holidays into your home. Replenish water as needed.

Hope you enjoy the scents as much as I do! Happy Holidays or as we like to say, Happy HollyDays!
- Holly

Thanks, Holly!  Isn't that such a thoughtful gift?  It would be a great teacher gift as well!  Head on over to HollyDays and get your customized gift tags and while you are at it, take a look at all of the beautiful Christmas cards, enclosure cards, address labels, party supplies, and personalized gift items.  Enter code CULTIVATECREATE for free shipping on the entire site until 11/23.  

Holly is the founder and designer at HollyDays, which was officially opened in 2006.  She is the mom to Karidyn, wife to Jonathon and loves spending time with family, drawing and designing, planning a good party, and decorating her home. 

Connect with Holly on:
Her Blog

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