Monday, October 14, 2013

Pretty Fall Porches

31 Days of Revising Home: Day 14

I am sure the way most of us revise home throughout the year is through our seasonal decorations.  Especially in the fall and all the way through Christmas.  We deck out our homes.  We plan, decorate, oooh and aaah, and enjoy the little touches we get to add to our homes that we wouldn't get away with any other time of the year.  

This week, I will be focusing on revising home through our seasonal decor.  Be sure to check back for all the fall goodness that I will be sharing.  

Fall Front Porches:
Some of my sweet friends let me come and snap some pics of their seasonal decor.  They were more than happy to let me come and ogle over their pretty porches so that I could share it with all of you! (Thanks, you guys!) The decorating styles are all different, but they all capture the essence of fall. 

Autumn Elegance

**Jan's fall front porch is classic.  I love the urns with asparagus fern and boxwood.  Adding the mums and pumpkins symmetrically makes for a welcoming entrance to her grand home. 

Southern Charm

**Stephanie captured true southern charm with her "Welcome ya'll" sign and monogram pumpkin. It isn't southern if it isn't monogrammed, right? I love the pretty white pumpkins and the beautiful yellow mums.  

Crafty Creativity

**Stefanie is such a creative gal!  She utilized an empty frame and wooden initial for her "wreath."  Adding pretty fall flowers and pumpkins to apple crates is such a wonderful idea.

Team Pride
**Jessica shows her school pride with her team door hanger.  What better way to celebrate fall than to cheer on your favorite team?  Her mums and pumpkins top it off for a beautiful fall front porch.  

What are your fall front porch go-to's?  What is your fall style?  

**To read the rest of the 31 Days series, you can go here. 

1 comment:

  1. Holidays are indeed great chances to renovate and revise our house. Simple accessories can definitely turn our porches and decks into fabulous spots where we, or even our visitors, can chill and relax. Your friends are indeed so sweet to allow you capture their porches. I'm sure their neighbors also admire their cool designs. Anyway, have you posted your Christmas porch too? :)

    Barrett Elmore @
