Thursday, October 17, 2013

Family Friday: Making Memories

31 Days of Revising Home: Day 18

In my heart, I have purposed to be more intentional with my children.  One of the things I want to do is take time to build memories with them.  In revising home this month, I have made an effort to bring those intentions into fruition.

This past weekend, we took our girls to the annual Scarecrows in the Park at Frank Jackson State Park.  The state park is located in our hometown so we couldn't pass up something like this in our own backyard.  (Have you ever noticed how things that your are so familiar with come commonplace in our lives?  This state park is really a beautiful place but it gets put on the back burner a lot in our family because we are so familiar with it.  I really tried to look at it through new eyes as we strolled through the three miles of trails.)

For more information about Frank Jackson State Park and the annual Scarecrows in the Park, go here

The scarecrows are placed along the walking trails in the park by businesses, churches, clubs, and individuals. It is always fun looking at the creativity used to make all the different scarecrows.

A's teacher, Mrs. Ellison, did a scarecrow display this year.  The little owl pumpkins were made by tracing each child's hands and securing them to the side of the pumpkin as wings. It turned out so cute. 

One of my favorite displays was done by the Opp Police Department.  I love the "pumpkin head" officers. 

How cute is this officer?  His radar gun is made out of a 2 liter bottle.  Genius!

I thought this "crow's nest" was really cute. They made use of a broken tree to make the nest.  

The trail winds beside the lake.  It really is such a pretty place. 

If you are ever in South Alabama, you should stop by and have a look. Have a picnic. Take a breather.  Go camping.  But most importantly, make some memories with your children. 

To see all the posts in the Revising Home series, go here

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