Thursday, September 26, 2013

Foyer Before and Progress

Hi, guys!  Just stopping in today to show you before and progress pictures of our foyer.  I am still trying to get you guys caught up with what all we have done around here.  Just a couple more "catch up" posts and we should all be up to date.  

I snapped these right after we moved in.  I had lots of paint samples sitting in the floor as I was trying to figure out what color to paint.

This light fixture is adorable. The picture really doesn't do it justice.  I will reuse this little guy in another space---maybe my walk-in closet.  It is too small for this space.  

Whoa, this picture makes the walls in the foyer look neon. It wasn't bright green. It was more of a dark "country" green. 

I got the bright idea that I wanted stripes in the foyer.  I had drooled over some beautiful striped foyers that I had seen on Pinterest.  When I was completely finished painting, though, it really reminded my of a little boy's nautical bedroom.  Not the look I was going for. This taught me it's okay to make mistakes when designing and decorating. If and when that happens, it's okay to change it. In this case, it was just paint.  Easily changed. 

Here it is!  I decided since I have such a bold living area, that I wanted the foyer to be soothing with pops of color that I have used in other rooms.  I painted over the stripes with Nimbus by Benjamin Moore. It is a shade lighter than my formal dining room.  This room isn't finished yet, but I like the direction it is going!

Still to do:
Replace light fixture
Refinish and paint or stain parquet floors
Add more artwork
Add long console table and move blue dresser to opposite wall in foyer

Stop back by tomorrow for before and progress pictures of the formal dining room and office.

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