Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Little Goes a Long Way

When it comes to making a house a home, it is all about the details.  And those small details can make a huge impact.  But usually, those things are perceived by others without them really being able to put their finger on it. 

One of those small details was replacing our front and side porch light fixtures. This was our front porch light. Poor, sad, tiny, little porch light. It was way too small. We changed it to a much larger one.  Small detail. Big impact. 

Here is Mr. Light in all his front porch glory!  It gives off a lot more light than the previous one.  The light at our side entry was equally small and perpetually on. (There is no switch to that light.  An automatic light with motion sensor is a must.)  The sensor was broken so we bought one that matches the front porch light, although smaller, to light our path at night.

Another small detail that made huge impact was pressure washing.  One wouldn't think that the simple act of pressure washing would matter much. We finally got around to it, and it has made a huge difference.  I had no idea our concrete was that dirty. I just thought it was dark concrete.  It looks so fresh now.

(My husband and I have very keen fashion sense when it comes to wardrobe choices for working around our home. i.e. swimming trunks, for getting sprayed by the washer, high socks, and boots. Yep, we have this fashion thing down.)

A sweet note from my hubby!  Isn't he just the best?


  1. Huh. And here I was thinking it just looked like that because it’s concrete. Now we know. Haha! Enjoy your brighter walkway! It certainly looks great with the lawn that’s surrounding it. Does it go all around your house, or is it just in the front?


    1. Thanks, Kevin! Not sure if you were asking if the walkway or the lawn goes all the way around the house...but we have a pretty big yard for living in a subdivision. It's almost two acres. It is a pretty large front yard and two large side-yards. The back isn't quite as deep as the front yard, but our property adjoins a large field, so we quite frequently look out of our back window and see cows or cotton. As far as the walkway, it is all along the side of our house an across the front.
