Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Leather Goods for Your Gadgets

Special Offer from Yard & Sons

Hi, guys!  Thanks for stopping back by today!  We're in week one and I can't wait to share the projects we have been working on at the Henderson household! If you missed reading what Cultivate Create is all about, you can see that here

But, for now, I wanted to let you in on something.  My amazing, talented, cool as a cucumber cousin over at Yard & Sons is offering a 10% discount to Cultivate Create readers from now until September 30.  He sells quality, hand crafted leather goods. But not just any leather goods.  They are leather goods for your gadgets.  Just enter code CULTIVATECREATE10 at checkout to receive your discount.



I have a Kindle Sleeve from Yard & Sons, and I love it!  I have had it for a little over a year now. It is great quality leather and workmanship and still looks awesome! (Minus the Sharpie mark that A so kindly drew on it for me.) It has saved my screen many times.  I take my Kindle with me everywhere----to the grocery store to use my ShopBerry app, to the school car line so I can read while waiting to pick up my kiddos, shopping at home improvement stores because I have a lot of pictures saved on it for reference.  I usually just throw it in my purse and I don't have to worry about harming the screen.  It is felted on the inside so it just slides right in and the Kindle Sleeve holds it like a snuggly little glove.  


So pop on over to Yard and Sons and take a look around!  I'm sure Ryan would love to hear from you!  You can connect with him on Facebook here or follow him on Pinterest here. And don't forget to enter CULTIVATECREATE10 at checkout!

*I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Nice collection of leather covers. Such leather covering provides safety to gadgets.
    Textiles & Leather Products
